Sunday, December 28, 2008

Week 10 The Shawshank Redemption

During this week’s holiday, we watched another fantastic film >.
The film tells a story about redemption, Tim Robbins plays Andy Dufresne, a city banker, wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. He is sent to Shawshank Prison in 1947 and receives a double life sentence for the crime. Andy forms an unlikely friendship with "Red" (Morgan Freeman), the man who knows how to get things. Andy faces many trials in prison, but forms an alliance with the wardens because he is able to use his banking experience to help the corrupt officials amass personal fortunes. At the same time, he was digging a hole through outside of the prison secretly, even his best friends was deceived. And the tool he used to dig the deep hole was merely a little hummer, he hide the hole with a poster. Finally, Andy broke out from the prison, and became a free man. What’s more, he gain a lot of evidence about the bad things that warden did inside the prison, and he force the warden to suicide with guilty.

I was so impressed with how every single subplot was given a great deal of respect and attention from the director. The acting was world-class. I have never seen Tim Robbins act as well since, Morgan Freeman maybe. The twists were unexpected, although this film had a familiar feel, it wasn't even slightly pretentious or cliched, it was original. The cinematography was grand and expressive. It gave a real impression of the sheer magnitude of this daunting prison.

In the 1994 Academy Awards the movie was nominated for seven awards (Best Picture, Best Actor – Morgan Freeman, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Original Score, and Best Sound) but, in the shadow of 1994's big winner Forrest Gump, did not win a single one. That was a pity, but this film has long been seleted as the best films ever. This is enough to prove the popularity of the film.

Huang He:
The sentence that Andy said most was “Where there is a will, there is a hope”. After viewing the film, the words inspired me a lot. Andy can break out from the prison not only because his talent, but also his willing, his continuous willing to get out. So from the film, I learnt that if I want to accomplish something, I must put my entire mind on it and never give up my will even if in the worst condition. The film let me learnt to be strong, I like it.

Wang Hu:
The story is excellent, totally out of my expectation. And the casters’ acting were also very good. It was a really fantastic film. I’ve seen the film before, and I dare to say it worth to be seen twice. Every time I will be moved by the strong faith of Andy who never gives up willing. Where there is will, there is hope.

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